Discover Heineken Studio: Taste the future of beer on our rooftop!
Oggi: 10:30 - 19:30 (Ultimo ingresso ore 17:15)
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Acquista i biglietti



Acquista i biglietti

Adulto (18+)




Guida privata
Degustazione di
5 birre

VIP in stile Heineken®

Oltre alle esperienze offerte dal tour regolare, la tua guida personale ti accompagnerà attraverso la storia di Heineken®, per scoprire ogni suo piccolo segreto. E a proposito di segreti, il tour VIP ti porterà anche in uno dei nostri bar nascosti, il Freddy’s o l’Henry’s, interamente ispirati a due personaggi importanti della storia di Heineken®. In questi bar potrai assaggiare cinque delle nostre birre premium, con stuzzichini abbinati a ciascuna birra.

Acquista i biglietti

VIP Tour

VIP Tour (+18)




  • I visitatori al di sotto dei 18 anni non possono prendere parte al VIP tour.
  • Nota: il VIP Tour è in lingua Inglese.
  • Siamo estremamente orgogliosi del nostro edificio storico. Purtroppo, a causa della sua struttura, è più difficile renderlo accessibile agli ospiti su sedia a rotelle. Ti informiamo inoltre che durante la settimana prima delle 13:00 CET registriamo una mi

Domande frequenti

  • What is the VIP tour?

    The VIP will take you around 2,5 hours, in which we will guide you through our brewery and explain everything there is to know about our company. To finish the visit, we will take you to our private (and secret) bar where we will serve five premium beers from our portfolio, accompanied by snacks that have been carefully selected to match the beers. In this intimate environment, you will have the chance to interact with the guide, as well as the other guests. All in all, our VIP tour is a definite ‘not to miss while in Amsterdam!

  • Can I book a guided tour?

    This is subject to availability and the size of your group. For the opportunities for guided tours, please send an email to

  • Can we access the rooftop terrace of the Heineken Experience?

    Yes! You can access our rooftop with a Heineken® Tour + Rooftop ticket.

  • Are children allowed in the Experience?

    Children are not allowed in the Heineken Experience. If you wish to know more about it, please visit our webpage

    Minor accompanied by an adult are also not allowed inside the Heineken Experience.

  • Can I change the date and/or time of my Heineken® Tour + Rooftop/VIP-tour/Rock The City Tour/The Perfect Match Tour?

    Yes, you can by sending an email to Please note that for The Perfect Match Tour and the Live Your Music Tour we can only change the date and/or time of your tickets to the Heineken Experience.

    To change the date and/or time of your tickets for the Johan Cruijff ArenA (The Perfect Match), please reach out to our colleagues there:

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